LNE Type Approval for the CR:515 Acoustic Calibrator

CR:515 Class 1 Acoustic Calibrator LNE Type Approval Certificate

The CR:515 is a Class 1 Acoustic Calibrator that is designed to be used for the field calibration of sound level meters, noise measurement instruments and other noise monitoring equipment.

Field calibration of noise measurement equipment is essential to ensure that measurements are accurate and that the equipment is working correctly.

Using an acoustic calibrator such as the CR:515 helps users ensure that their sound level meter or noise measurement equipment is working as expected.

This new approval is to CEI 60942:2003 and is for a Class 1 acoustic calibrator. The CR:515 also carries PTB Type Approval to DIN EN 60942:2003 and is supplied as standard with the Class 1 optimus sound level meters.

The CR:515 is part of the CR:510 Series of Acoustic Calibrators from Cirrus Research which includes the Class 2 CR:514 and the CR:511E.



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